Tuesday, April 8, 2008

March 19, 2008

Here is information about our ward members.

Robert/Petra--Robert is from Nigeria, he has been a member for four years and we use him alot as a joint teacher when we teach Africans, which is very often. He is getting married to Petra in May. Petra is Dutch, and she has been a member for about three years. She is very nice and speaks really good English. Robert makes absolutely awesome food...I love African food!

Dieteric Linders--He is Dutch, served his mission in this mission, Belgium/Netherlands. His whole family is in our ward. We use him as a joint teacher alot also, and he eats with us every Tuesday night at the Fabers.

The Fabers--an older couple, Dutch. They fed us every Tuesday...they are very nice. Missionaries used to live with them.

Meinderstama family--family of four, two boys ages 3 and 5. They are very nice and they speak very good American-style English which they pick up from watching TV. They fed us every Friday.

Noot family--Dutch, lived in Utah for a long time, then moved back to the Netherlands.

Stomps family--Dutch, nice family, Feds us every once in a while..their son Dave served his mission in our Sandy Stake

There are alot more and they are all really nice. We usually always have joint teachers when we need one and we eat five times a week with members or investigators.

Bibi, our invesigator from Algeria has set his baptismal date for April 12. Kenneth is setting his baptismal date on Sunday. Yousif is from Iraq... he wants America to stay in Iraq forever...he was there during the worst parts of the war. He is very humble and will be getting baptized soon.

We taught a lesson to two Dutch guys and a New York girl who is a Jew. The spirit was so incredible! It will be a slow process, but I think all three will eventually get baptized.